Welcome, travellers! This post is going to tell the story of the origin of Ouroboros Blog and how I manifested a ring during my trip to Bucharest, Romania.
After taking some time off from travelling, one day I had the wish to travel to a new destination. I started looking for possible destinations I could visit. I had this urge to visit countries with nice castles.
France has beautiful castles, but I had already been there, so I started evaluating my other options. I was stuck between Czechoslovakia and Romania. After watching a couple of videos about these two countries, I decided to go with Romania because I was interested in Bran Castle (also known as Castle of Dracula) since I love mystical concepts.
Now the real story begins after I arrived in Bucharest, Romania. I will be making a post on the attractions I visited and the activities I attended in another post. This one, however, is about how I manifested a gift—and how this gift later turned out to have many interesting coincidences tied to it.

I have been going through a lot of changes in the last year. I’ve tried to become a better version of myself. Working to identify my weaknesses and strengths and change my perspective on life to a more positive one. I can proudly say I made a lot of progress; now I see the world as a better place to live in.
After going through this transformation, I started to have more wishes in life. I realized that when people begin to truly enjoy life, they start to have wants and dreams again. One of my wishes was to have a really nice-looking ring.
One day, while scrolling through my phone in Bucharest, I saw an ad for rings. It reignited my desire to own one. I didn’t have a specific design in mind, so I started looking up places where I could buy rings.
When I checked the prices, they seemed a bit expensive for me. So, I decided to visit Old Town area and a mall to wander around and look for a ring, as well as souvenirs for my family. Mind you, this was the day before I was set to return to my home country.
At the mall, there were a couple of jewelry shops, but once again, the prices were higher than I’d expected. So, I postponed my wish to get a ring in Romania, thinking I could find one in my home country instead.
Later, I went to the Old Town area in Bucharest to shop for souvenirs and gifts for my family. I went into one clothing shop and fell in love with it, spending about an hour there picking out the best gifts. I also got myself ear muffs.
Afterward, I was hungry, so I got some food and decided to eat at the Airbnb. Once I got there, I took the gifts out of the bag and laid them on my bed. That’s when I saw a ring at the bottom of the bag.
A ring!
I hadn’t bought a ring, nor was it included in the receipt. It was just sitting there at the bottom of the bag. I stood there staring at it, completely surprised.
I picked it up to take a closer look. It was a snake-shaped ring, coiling around the finger, and seemed to be made of copper. While it didn’t have much monetary value, it was an amazing gift in my eyes.
I had no idea if someone accidentally dropped it in the bag or how it got there, but I was incredibly happy to find it. It felt as though I had manifested a ring, and this one had magically found its way to me.
Of course, it might have been a coincidence, but I wanted to believe it had some sort of meaning. That night, I put the ring in my luggage and went to bed thinking I manifested it.
The next day, I was on my way back home. After leaving the airport, I decided to take the metro instead of a taxi. While on the metro, I noticed a girl who seemed scared to put her luggage on the moving escalator, so she headed toward the stairs. She had two big suitcases, so I offered to help her with the escalator.
Once we got down to the metro area, the same girl asked me how to get to an attraction in my city. I didn’t know how to get there, and I didn’t have internet access, so I asked people around us for directions. A couple of kind strangers explained where she needed to get off the metro and her next steps.
At one point, I noticed the girl was wearing a snake-shaped ring on her hand. It wasn’t the exact same ring as mine, but the shape was identical. I was surprised, but I brushed it off as another coincidence.
After helping her reach her destination, she gave me a hug and thanked me. We added each other on Instagram, and I went back home.
The ring intrigued me even more after that. I started wearing it regularly. Then, I noticed some more coincidences related to the ring.
For instance, I got a job offer from a company whose name essentially translates to “ring.” Later, I learned that 2025 is going to be the Year of the Snake. These connections fascinated me, so I started looking for a deeper meaning behind what I manifested.
I asked ChatGPT to help me connect these coincidences. After several conversations, the conclusion we reached was that snakes often symbolize growth and transformation—and I had indeed gone through a lot of personal growth over the past year.
This answer felt satisfying. I decided to see the manifested ring as a symbol of my transformation and growth.
Whether these events were purely coincidental or carried deeper meaning, the most important thing I’ve learned is that life is about how we perceive things and what we make of them.
For me, all these events led to the creation of this blog and helped me recognize the progress.
So, dear travellers, have you ever had similar experiences? Please share your stories in the comments—I’d love to hear them!